10:50 - ok, i realize it's been a huuuge freaking time since i updated this part, but you know how just way too many things happen and you think that you'll never get it all down or done or whatever, so you say screw it? yeah, that's basically what's happened with this little blog thingy.
we got a new printer/scanner/fax/copier/huge ass thing, and when i go to scan my comics in, my brother's comp crashes! it's so freaking annoying... so you'll have to wait for the comics that i've drawn. i'm going to put them up for the date that they were supposed to show up, so you'll have to go back to see them.
kathy drew a comic for the winter holiday season, but lost it, and found it a week ago, so i'm gonna save it until 12/01/03. you'll have to wait a little more than 10 months to see it... wow that seems a long time from now, lol. i hope i just keep drawing comics somewhere around those months until then.
kathy and i are going to the HAMUN (houston area model united nations) conference on the 30 and 31st next week, so maybe i can get some good comic-ing during the boring moments :).
15:40 - hi everybody! it's been a month, but i've got comics. i drew for an hour last night, and made a new style (premieres tuesday). i need to find a style that works for me, that wont change everytime i try to draw it. poop.
today's comic is kinda slanted.. sorry bout that. haha, not really :P. excpect slanted comics if i still have to use my brother's comp to scan. do you realize how much effort it takes to scan something, export it, reboot into linux, mount the server downstairs, and put the file on there? A LOT. then reboot back into windows to scan some more that you forgot, or to put some files in a folder that linux can see b/c you forgot to earlier. gah!
if the comics dont show up (like earlier today, thanks Smugami), dont worry, i'll see it soon enough and kick keenspace's butt again. :D
20:26 - yea, so it's the dreaded, erm i mean sorrowful one year anniversary of that day last year. i picked a great day to update, huh? hah.. yea, go ahead and hate me. i'm not a very good american, but so what? it's not like... well, lets not get into that, mk?
in other news, i've had a few comics in my notebook for awhile, but i hadn't gotten around to scanning them and updating. this site needs some lovin. **hugs her comic site** ok enough of that.
as for kathy's comic.... **shakes head** it's an inside joke with her french class... or something or other. she was trying to explain it to me while we were in the first model un meeting, where there were 500 ppl in that tiny room.
i havent said much about school. why? b/c it's boring. and stupid. and dumb. yea, that should have been in one sentence. but you know what? i. can. make. as. much. sentences. and. as. much. grammatical. and. speeling. erroirs. as. i. want. two. so HAH!!
00:10 - yes, new comics. 3 to be exact. more on what i'm doing later. don't feel like explaining now. why? heh... i dont feel like explaining. fc business.
14:46 - hmm, so yea. hi kathy. love ya too, babe. :P did you write enough? haha, i commend you. anyways!.....kathy... you dont need to get much better, you are better than me. haha :D. have you noticed how this is pretty much just us talking, not really about the comic? maybe i should draw some. haha, or you could get a scanner and send them to me WITH your blog, so i dont have to drive down there. :P i'll have to do that sometime, or bring them to your concert and i'll get them then! w00tnesses. death on the snowfield is on too. haha, yea anyways... i think i will draw some more comics, as soon as something funny hits me. **rock from sky hits head** ow... that wasn't funny though. :D
so, there is a lot to comment about kathy's blog. besides the fact that unless you play an instrument and/or have knowledge of music and stuff like that... don't ask. haha, b/c yea... that would cause more talking about music from kathy, and we dont want anymore now, do we? haha, j/k kathy! oo, bbc came and filmed? neeto. haha.
hah, when i get into region... well, thanks for the when instead of the if. lol, what a vote of confidence. ^_^ mmmm, the guy with the long, cool hair... **dreamy look in eyes** mmmmm, hehe. i go crazy for guys with nice hair: thick and/or long and/or BOTH! hehehehehehehehehehe...
look! short little paragraphs. i'm better than you, kathy! nyah nyah. hehe. they also make my blog look longer! muwahahaha.
hmm, don't join crc again. and if you go to read this and know krishanu, or the now-cult we are talking about, do not join it. krishanu will force you to drink koolaie! hehe. and if you don't understand, do a google search on (or just look up) jim jones... haha.
wtf do you mean centered blog, kathy? haha, it wasn't centered, it as just really skinny b/c of my "eeeee!!" thing, so i shortened it down. :P arabian pleasures by piu and picotto is on now. haha. pleeaaasuuuures... mmmmm, hehe. why isn't sean around when i want him during the day? hehe... nevermind that. so..... i challenge you to a spinning contest! (for the hilarity of that sentence, google search: spiffy and chippy "the contest") i bet i could beat you!!! remember at state solo & ensemble? muwahahahahaha... it's fun to spin in a not so circular circle. :P
i am going to galveston on the 19 and 20th of this month. so i will miss kathy's concert on that saturday, but i'm still going to the one on thursday! hehe, ok, i need to end this one. bye bye folks!
00:39 - hey, who said i didn't care about you, kathy? just because i center around your blog.... whatever that means... doesnt mean i dont care about you. it means the opposite! hehe.
yes, crc is now officially fucked up. you have the "oni's "fucked up" seal of approval"... lol if that made sense. it did to me! so if you want to see the whole thing, if you did not get the email, click here to see the email, and johann's comments (every other paragraph).
lol, and if you get confused on kathy's blog... dun worry about it too much, its just us musical genius' stuff :P. ahem, you need to haul ass on violin, kathy?? let me remind you who is worse (but not too much :P) than you. besides me, there is everyone else besides caroline at cyfair. haha. one more thing to be happy that you are really above jimmy. bastard. here is my take on that whole krishanu-change thing. doesn't he seem to be like jimmy, only a little more opinionated and ... like a guy on pms? haha. i want krishanu to go through pms. doesnt it sound good, kathy? lol... anyways.
people who don't drive at all shouldnt complain about traffic. **gives a directed look towards kathy** you don't even have a car. you havent even gotten your liscence yet. you have nothing to bitch about.. yet. ^_^
well, i finished that picture i talked about in my last blog on here. click here to see it. i really cant say enough about it. it is just,... pure brilliance on my part. when i had finished it, i ran around upstairs screaming, "EEEEEEEEEEE!!!" and my parents were all like "what, whats the matter??" and i showed them the picture, and they were speechless. lol so yea. it is good. and its for chelle. hehe ^_^.
wtf is a marenba? and if you don't understand why kathy keeps on saying "mog," it is an inside joke. but i will share with you. a long time ago, when kathy meant to say omg, she accidentally typed mog, so i made fun of her, of course, and now it's stuck. MOG!! lol. now everything we mis-type... yea, we use. like relaly, mog, lvoe, .. and there was one other last night, but i cant remember it. flautist???
i got my hairs cut. no more blue and orange stripes. i got it dyed back to all brown, with light brown highlights, and then i got it layered. looks really good, i was hyper about it. lol, nerd. shut up oni. only if you do, oni. well, i think this was long enough. and i dont want to out do kathy ... for ONCE!... lol. so yea. but btw, i updated all of my pages on this site, and on my other website. ok that is enough. bye for now.
00:33 - Hmm... what happened to that update on the 3rd? hehe, my fault. I recently joined drytear.com and i've been addicted so far. i also got an online journal at the most ghettoest journal site, where you can't do anything BUT put posts in your journal... haha. If you wanna see it, click here.
Last night, and this morning, I downloaded a whole shit load of mp3's, and I ended up deleting half of them... lol. Oh well, I mean, who wants to keep the smurfs' theme song on their computer, much less their mp3 server/firewall??? not in this house!
(21:32:18) h34v3NslilaNg3L: oo i have a suggestion
(21:32:30) h34v3NslilaNg3L: for your comic dont center my blog
(21:32:41) h34v3NslilaNg3L: cuz yours is sooo much longer than mine
(21:32:46) lISilentAuroraIl: ?
(21:33:10) lISilentAuroraIl: lol
(21:33:14) lISilentAuroraIl: do i care?
To answer that, no. No I don't. Cuz Kathy, yous is mah sista! ... my asian sista... lol oo, one step closer to becoming asian!!! Hahaha, riiiight.
Guess what! I've got a new project to use Gimp with!! I was longing for something to do with Gimp, but I hadn't found anything that striked my fancy. Then, after reading Chelle's poem, "Raven Skies," off of drytear.com, I got an inspiration for another drawing. It didn't turn out as good as I pictured it in my head, but then I got the idea to add the trees, cloudy skies, and a moon using gimp!! b/c I forgot to draw them in when before I scanned in the picture... lol. I'm a lazy ass. :P So that is what I'm going to be working on for a while. I'm going to work on this one until I get it just right, even if it takes me 5 weeks... I just hope Chelle can wait that long! Hehehe ^_^.
Go check out my short, disturbing story that I wrote last night in a fit of depression. I think it is really good, considering I'm not good at writing stories. It's prolly better than half of my poetry. Go read it, and if you wish, post some comments about it! Don't be afraid to tear it to shreds, just not literally... ^_~
10:41 - WELL, I am ashamed to know someone personally who does not update his or her comic everyday... wait a minute, hehe. I'm back, even though I never left. I'm sorry you guys, especially Trey (he's been bugging me about my comic and my website, so go bug him about HIS!). I've had a comic from Kathy, I just haven't put it up. I know, I'm lazy... but sometimes certain events in your life just make you not want to do anything, even if you love it.
I finally drew something decent besides these comics. I'll upload it sometime today.
Let's see, wanna know what I've done in the 8-day hiatus? Ok!
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: finished summer school.
Wednesday afternoon: crc meeting... really long.
Thursday afternoon: went to see Lilo and Stitch (very sad, but cute movie) with my brother, ate dinner, then we went to the mall.
Friday: drove downtown to the Galleria to have some fun with mom before Kathy's AFA Concert. Then went to her concert.. duh. haha.
Saturday: drove my brother and rents to Huntsville to take him to his orchestra camp, and upgraded my computer from redhat 7.2 to 7.3 (it's much better, I swear!).
Sunday: went out with Kathy to eat lunch, shop for a bit, then saw Minority Report.
Monday: went to Chinatown with my mom, went to the Village to go to 2 bead stores, I finally found the right size pants after going to 4 Gaps (geez!!!), and we went to Tapioca Express twice (b/c in the morning, they didn't have the tapioca made yet).
What am I going to do today? Work on this site, draw some comics, upload my latest drawing, update the poetry section, and upload Kathy's comic. Tomorrow: must go back to Huntsville to listen to my brother's concert, then take him home. I think that's good enough for now, byez!
21:25 - In explanation of today's comic: at orchestra banquet, Kathy danced really fast and really just let go of herself. She moved so fast that it seemed that she was blurring (well, to me anyways...).
Anyways.. in explaination of Kathy's blog: on a strip of the comic, Real Life, the main character, Greg, ate 8 Krispy Kremes in a row, and he phased out of existance. Now it's an inside joke among a small circle of friends.
Ok, for those of you who are, or have been asking the question "What significance does Kathy make on this website?" here's your answer: Kathy is a very close and dear friend of mine (pretty much a sister), and she helped me in so many ways and in so many situations that I could never possibly repay her (unless she feels the same way... haha in that case we're even! :P ). She also helped me come up with ideas for the comic. During the wait for this site, Kathy pushed me to draw more comics in english class because she knew I sure as hell wasn't going to do my work... haha. It was my intention of having her contribute to making the site, but her computer crashes everytime she attempts to connect to the ftp site. This wouldn't happen if she was running Linux like me... heh heh. So now, she emails me her little blog thingy, and I update it for her. She can also make guest comics (well.. so can everyone else. In fact, tomorrow's is a guest comic by Matt, Elaine's boyfriend. And if you don't know what I'm talking about, good! :P ), and if she will let me, I'll put up a section for her artwork that I have. So basically, she is kind of a part of this website b/c... I WANT HER TO AND YOU CAN'T STOP ME!!!!! Muwahahahahahahahaha... Hmm, now that that's done and over with, about my life as we don't know it.
Only 4 more days of summer school because I get to exempt Friday for not being absent. I'm still working on moving my website from geocities to swooh.com. Now what? I've felt the need to draw something really elegant and complex, but I've no inspiration to go upon. Oh well, bye for now.
21:33 - Summer school is tiring me out, and it doesn't help that I have Civil Rights Club meetings afterwards. I am totally drained physically, but I am keeping up with making comics, even if I make them at 9 pm... haha.
Guess what!!! A poem I submitted to YWAM was accepted and put up on the website under the Poetry section of the Submissions. Wai wai! I was really happy you could not believe! And while you're there, read the manga, and maybe buy some merchandise! **waves to Aoi-san** There is also a link to it in the Links section on this website. Ok, bye bye for now.
11:49 - Hmm, turns out Kat does know html, so she's gonna do stuff to the site too! Wai wai! Hehe, ok, that's enough kiwi strawberry diet ice botanicals. Ooh, my mom's back, and now I can take her out for a few hours. Bye byez... muwahaha, I'll edit some more later... hmm, new layout?
19:52 - Wai wai!! Kathy's back!!! Hehe, I missed her. She liked the comics, and so I linked her poetry to the poetry index with her permission. Maybe soon I can get her ratings and/or comments on some artwork, and get her to do some guest (but not really guest...) strips. Or maybe she can just strip... hehe, j/k Kathy!! I'm glad you're back girl.
06:00 - Yes, I actually have a tape ball. Some things in the next 2 comics are true, while some are fake (you'll be able to tell). Right now, the ball is around 6 inches in diameter, and I still have rolls to add to it. hehe...
21:38 - Hmm, I drew a comic this morning waiting for Elaine to pick me up, I'm so proud of myself.. heh heh. Now I'm just waiting until my brother stops playing on his computer so I can use the scanner. I used to have the scanner hooked up to my computer, but Linux doesn't have anything that will work with a scanner (not that I have anyways...).
Oh, I finished all Artwork pages, and now I'm working on the Poetry Pages.
See, Kathy is on vacation at Yosemite, so that's why she isn't doing much.. not like she could b/c she doesn't know html. Oh well, she will be happy when she comes back to see all of this up. ^_^
22:52 - OMG today was long. (MOG, hehe (inside joke w/ kathy)) It was the first day of summer school, which went ok. Then a Civil Rights Club meeting (that I almost didn't go to b/c I was really tired) that went TOTALLY BAD b/c everyone is always in a power struggle with the other, trying to get what they want to say heard (and then they become hypocrites by doing the exact opposite of what they preach to us in a voice slightly louder than the rest so we can hear... heh, now I'm rambling, but trust me, today was bad and long and tiring. I did meet a really nice guy who is going to be a sophomore next year and is blind, but he's going to a different school. (**snap** heh, j/k. I don't want him like that.) Oh and by the way, I just woke up from a 3 hour nap. ^_^ hehe yea I know, I'm a loser; a tired loser. Hmm, well, I was going to go play Eternal Eyes on PS before or after my nap, but my brother is playing ff8 right now. He's on the 1st cd, just starting out (after having the game the longest out of all that we have for the PS). Well, I guess that's because he beat "Legend of Dragoon" in 101 hours... heh, n00b!! Another reason I went to take a nap: my internet access went down. There's something wrong with the mp3 server/firewall downstairs. I can mount the filesystems and whatnot, but I can't get through to the internet. I even tried rebooting, and it didn't work. Dad's not going to be happy when he discovers he can't connect to work from home (he telecommutes for Shell Oil. Co.) and has to go downtown! Muwahahaha... yea, so I can't upload all the webpages that I have ready to ftp b/c... I can't connect! Grrr.... I'm hungry. I guess I'll go back to bed soon. Elaine is driving tomorrow to summer school, so that means I can sleep a little bit more.. heh heh. Wow, this entry was long, maybe I'll stop now. Bye-night!
15:58 - Ok, I changed the colors as you can see. The dropdown menus are all out of alignment b/c there is supposed to be the Keenspace Dropdown menu, but there is something wrong with the asterik tag and it's not showing up. Oh well. I was pretty close to finishing the Artwork page, but then my computer had to get all pissy at me and the whole 3rd virtual monitor froze (that's where the editor was)!! Grrr at you, 3rd screen! Oh well again, good thing I saved not too long before it froze. :D I just like freaking out at the little things sometimes. Where the hell is Kathy today?!?!
11:45 - Ok, so I have some more comics lined up... sort of (don't ask), and now I'm working on the other pages of this site. I'm trying to get my good friend Kathy to make some ~guest~ strips, but I have had no luck so far. Summer school starts tomorrow, and guess what I'm taking. P.E.!!! Hahaha, actually it's nicer than taking it in the regular school year because you get to go swimming and bowling at the local bowling alley. And on top of that, it's only 3 weeks long for a semester instead of 18! Woohoo. (notice the enthusiasim... haha)
time? - I swear I can draw better than these mutated-stick people I use in my comic. I'm just too damn lazy (I think...) to do them better. Need proof? Go click on the Artwork button over there on the top. GO NOW, BEFORE I SEND THE EVIL, RABID LITTLE BROTHER TO MAIM YOU!!!