note: worship the comic.

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Got comics, comments, whatever? Email me here. Anything and everything (haha, get it?) is appreciated!


13:12 - i've had ppl ask me at school if i've stopped comicing altogether. the answer is no, but it might be awhile. i'm happy that i have ppl at school that read my comic tho. just a troublesome point in my life right now... but i wont go into detail. if you're special, you already know whats going on (and if you dont, you're still special, but not in the "i know whats with oni" special sort of way).

i've been writing a lot of poetry lately. had inspiration for that, not drawing. i really want to draw, but i have no more funny things for comics, or i cant decide how to draw them anymore, or my inspiration leads me to express it in other ways. aaand now i'm rambling. muwahahaha!


17:12 - bleh so well im in ny...what did the orch meeting do? nothing? hah j/k well lets know what? oni did some comics!! w00t w00t hah im sooooo proud of you! ^^ ooo and you know what?.....::sigh:: i dont know either....yeah well...i just wanted to put something out here...i feel like i havent been contributing in any way putting up a blog THAT MAKES IT ALL BETTER??? ::looks at kathy:: right so anyways...heh heh ::blink blink:: im in a good mood...its fun up here...just you gotta walk right dinner....walking there...go figure! hahaha byebyes ::waves::

The Everything Comic, images, artwork, poetry, and everything else (haha, pun...) are either © Onieta B. or otherwise noted person.
The Everything Comic is hosted on Keenspace, a (very patient, kind, giving, loving, caring, understanding, etc...) free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.